American Legion Post 60: 1510 Bruce Woodbury Drive, Laughlin, 702-299-1510 — Karaoke with Ingrid every third Saturday of the month — Please call for any other information.
Cocktails: 3935 Highway 95, Bullhead City, 12.4 miles from Laughlin; 928-758-4955 — Whiptail (classic rock) — Friday, Dec. 9 (7 p.m.-11 p.m.).
CoVeu Drinkery & Eatery: 2247 Clearwater Drive, Bullhead City, 8.2 miles from Laughlin; 928-299-5012 — The Ray Gunn Band hosts the longest-running Sunday Jam Session in the Tri-state — Sundays (2 p.m.-6 p.m.).
Moose Lodge Post #1704: 302 Monroe St., Kingman, Arizona, 35.3 miles from Laughlin; call 928-753-3690 — Karaoke with Ingrid every Friday; call for times and menu information.